
Bearded Monkey Tactical

Bearded Monkey was a concept my wife and I came up with a little over a year ago. With everything going on, my passion to get this off and moving has grown by the day. I have a passion for people. All people. However, we at Bearded Monkey see the levels of censorship have grown quickly. Those that feel they cannot even be honest with the way they feel about concerns of losing their jobs/careers/livelihoods have been too many to count. There have been way too many highs and lows in people’s day-to-day lives to simply act like everything is, “okay.” Things aren’t status quo. Challenges are much larger than any of us have experienced in our recent lifetimes. We need to come together. This is a movement. Join the movement in the early stages; be there from the ground up!

Our Story

Hello and welcome to Bearded Monkey Tactical! We developed this concept in 2021, so therefore that is when we were established. I am Cody and my wife is Lasamoa. She designed the “Malcolm The Monkey” concept and designed the logo.

Bearded Monkey Tactical was started to assist people in finding and achieving their own personal excellence through our self-development and training programs in Colorado. Think about it, if EVERY single person on the planet, not just our home state Colorado, were to strive to attain their own personal excellence, there would be far fewer miserable and unhappy humans. People, including myself, have wondered, what is the meaning of life? It’s actually pretty simple in concept. You have to be able to figure out your passion in life and then connect that passion to your calling, whatever that might be. Once those are connected, the work ethic needs to align, which is a lot easier to do considering you’re pursuing what you were truly born to do. Not everybody needs to pursue a billionaire or even a millionaire lifestyle and that’s okay. Whatever your passion is, form that into your life’s path. Follow that road. You’ll hit numerous bumps along the way and that is a good thing, contrary to popular opinion.



Getting to the other side of challenges gives you the feeling of accomplishment. It shows you that you CAN do it. Don’t run from discomfort. Embrace it. Embrace the pain that comes your way and learn/grow from it. We help connect that path for our followers. I love to assist in providing the tools in my self-development and training programs in Colorado and beyond to help our Nationwide community live their absolute most fulfilling life through the journey it takes to get there. We at Bearded Monkey Tactical, don’t believe in suffering, so long as you have the ability to change it. Pain is what we as humans can embrace and pain allows you to take ownership over fixing your current life position if you’re not happy with it. Calling it suffering basically gives up the ownership part of your life and tells the Universe that things happen “to you” rather than “for you.”

Hit us up at beardedmonkeytactical@gmail.com, or check out the seven (7) pillars that make Bearded Monkey Tactical so special over on our Blog page. We’re all in this journey together, so #WelcomeToTheFamily!