
As responsible gun owners and enthusiasts, it is our duty to prioritize safety above all else when handling firearms. Whether you’re a seasoned shooter or a newcomer to the world of guns, adherence to the Four Rules of Firearms Safety is non-negotiable. At Bearded Monkey Tactical, we take safety seriously, and we want to emphasize the importance of these rules to ensure the well-being of everyone involved in shooting activities.

1. All Weapons are Always Loaded

The first rule may seem paradoxical, especially if you just unloaded your firearm, but it serves as a constant reminder of the potential danger firearms possess. Treating every weapon as loaded forces us to maintain vigilance at all times. We should never make assumptions about the status of a firearm based on appearances or assurances from others.

By adhering to this rule, we cultivate a habit of conducting thorough safety checks every time we handle a firearm. This practice is particularly crucial during situations where we receive or hand over a weapon. Remember, it only takes a moment of carelessness to lead to a tragic accident. So, let’s ingrain in ourselves the belief that all weapons are loaded, and act accordingly to prevent unnecessary harm.

2. Never Let the Muzzle of a Weapon Aim at Something You’re not Willing to Destroy

The second rule is all about responsible gun handling and maintaining control over the direction of your firearm. A firearm’s muzzle is the business end, and its path should always be directed away from people and anything we don’t intend to destroy. Whether at the shooting range, during a hunting expedition, or in the comfort of our homes, the significance of this rule remains constant.

Neglecting this rule, even for a brief moment, can lead to devastating consequences. Accidents happen in the blink of an eye, so constant awareness of where your muzzle is pointing is paramount. Always be conscious of your surroundings and keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction at all times.

3. Keep Your Finger off the Trigger and Out of the Trigger Guard Until Your Sights are on the Target and you are Prepared to Shoot

The third rule centers on trigger discipline, one of the fundamental aspects of gun safety. Your finger should remain off the trigger and outside the trigger guard until you have identified your target, verified it’s a legitimate threat if applicable, and made the conscious decision to engage. This rule reinforces the idea that shooting should only occur when absolutely necessary.

By adopting proper trigger discipline, you reduce the likelihood of accidental discharges, especially during moments of high stress or excitement. Practice and muscle memory play a vital role here, so train yourself to maintain a disciplined trigger finger until the precise moment you intend to shoot.

4. Always be Certain of Your Target and What is Beyond it

The fourth and final rule ties together the concept of target identification and being conscious of the surroundings. Before you even consider pulling the trigger, ensure that you have positively identified your target and are aware of what lies beyond it. This rule safeguards against unintentional damage or harm to innocent bystanders or property.

As responsible gun owners, we must be aware of our surroundings and avoid situations where we may have to shoot without a clear understanding of the consequences. Practice situational awareness, and remember that firearms should only be used in self-defense or lawful shooting activities where there is no risk of injuring others inadvertently.


At Bearded Monkey Tactical, we want all gun owners to prioritize safety above all else. The Four Rules of Firearms Safety provide a robust framework for responsible firearm handling and shooting practices. By treating all weapons as loaded, keeping muzzles pointed away from anything we don’t intend to destroy, practicing trigger discipline, and being certain of our targets and what lies beyond them, we can help prevent tragic accidents and promote a safe shooting culture. If you are interested in learning mroe about firearms safety and new ways to iumrpove your shooting skills, head on over to our Firearms Training Page to sign up for one of our classes today!

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